Home \ Call for Proposals \ Proposal Troubleshooting


  1. PROBLEM: Cannot connect to helpdesk (i.e. after switching preferred ARC in the profile):
    Solution: close helpdesk, logout, remove cookies and login again.

  2. PROBLEM: Cannnot update the "executive" in the OT (i.e. changing between NA, EA and 50:50):
    Solution: log into your science portal and validate your profile again.

  3. WARNING: Wrong time estimation of Band 9 and 10 in the CASA 3.4.0 simulator (task simobserve):
    See here for more details.

  4. WARNING: The velocity to frequency conversion used in the "time estimate" of "Control and Performance" is using the rest-frame velocity, not the observed frame. So the estimated integration time is not correct if a velocity width is entered in "Bandwidth used for Sensitivity". We recommend to input a frequency width at "Bandwidth used for Sensitivity". The same problem with the code is also affecting validation of angular resolutions and largest angular scales when angular resolutions are entered in fractions of the antenna beam size.

  5. WARNING: The "Peak Flux Density" and "Dynamic Range" in the Technical Summaries of each Science Goal only show a continuum flux density and continuum dynamic range. We suggest to mention the Peak flux density (and the dynamic range, if necessary) in the technical justification for the line observations.

See also the OT known issues page and the knowledge base for more information.

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